D.B.M.S. stands for “Diploma in Bio-Chemic Medicine System.” This diploma signifies a specialized education and training in the principles and practice of biochemical medicine, also known as biochemic therapy or cell salt therapy. This system of medicine is based on the use of mineral salts to promote health and treat various ailments by addressing imbalances at the cellular level.

Key Components of a D.B.M.S. Program:

  1. Foundation in Biochemical Theory:
    • Understanding the principles established by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, who identified the 12 essential mineral salts.
    • Studying the physiological and therapeutic roles of these cell salts in maintaining cellular health and function.
  2. Cell Salts and Their Functions:
    • Detailed study of each of the 12 Schuessler salts, including their indications, effects on the body, and how deficiencies can lead to specific health issues.
  3. Diagnosis and Treatment:
    • Learning diagnostic techniques to identify mineral deficiencies and imbalances.
    • Formulating treatment plans using biochemical cell salts to address specific health conditions and promote overall well-being.
  4. Homeopathic Principles:
    • Incorporating principles of homeopathy, as cell salts are often used in homeopathic potencies.
    • Understanding the preparation and dosing of cell salt remedies.
  5. Practical Training:
    • Hands-on experience in assessing patients, identifying symptoms related to mineral deficiencies, and prescribing appropriate cell salt remedies.
    • Case studies and clinical practice under supervision.
  6. Complementary Therapies:
    • Exploring how biochemical medicine can be integrated with other forms of natural and conventional therapies.
    • Understanding the holistic approach to health and wellness.

Career Opportunities:

With a D.B.M.S., graduates can pursue various career paths, including:

  • Practicing as a biochemical medicine therapist.
  • Integrating biochemical therapy into other healthcare practices, such as naturopathy, homeopathy, or holistic health clinics.
  • Educating and training others in the principles and practice of biochemical medicine.
  • Working in health and wellness centers, offering consultations and treatment plans based on cell salt therapy.

Importance of Certification:

Holding a D.B.M.S. ensures that practitioners have received comprehensive training and are qualified to provide safe and effective treatment using the biochemic medicine system. It also offers assurance to patients seeking this form of natural therapy that they are consulting with a knowledgeable and skilled professional.

If you’re considering a career in this field or seeking treatment from a practitioner with a D.B.M.S., it’s important to ensure that the program and practitioner are accredited by a recognized educational or professional body in the field of natural and holistic medicine.


  • Eligibility: 10+2
  • Course Mode : Year
  • Duration: 2 Year’s

Course Short Name: D.B.M.S